
Inspiration to nourish the minds of CFOs, Risk, Claim, and Safety Managers.

Virtual Seminars

Virtual Seminars

With little to no other options, many companies have moved conferences and meetings to Zoom. The article below highlights some of the positive benefits of doing so. The American Society of Safety Professionals recently held their conference and exposition virtually....

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Maintaining Your Workflow

Maintaining Your Workflow

When making your schedule for the week, do you group similar meetings and activities together or do you prefer to schedule where there are openings? If you do the latter, you may be harming your productivity. According to Julie Morgenstern, an organizational &...

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Workplace Harmony

Workplace Harmony

Picture this: Your alarm doesn't go off sending you into a panic when you finally awake. You get ready as fast as possible and rush out to your car only to find you have a flat tire. While you are waiting for the tow truck you make yourself a cup of coffee to pass the...

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Work and Life Balance

Work and Life Balance

Many of us have been spending a large portion of our time at our homes lately. The reasons vary from working from home, being laid off/furloughed, becoming home school teachers, etc. We have scrubbed, scrapped, disinfected, wiped, organized, and/or shined just about...

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Angela Madsen

Angela Madsen

Angela Madsen's accomplishments are the epidemy of the saying "anything is possible". Angela, a former US Marine, who was a Paralympic Rower in addition to her other many hats, holds 14 Guinness world-records. When Angela underwent surgery to her back in 1993, an...

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Diversity in the Workplace

Diversity in the Workplace

As many companies have transitioned to work from home set-ups, a plethora of opportunities have opened up for persons with disabilities that have previously prevented them from working in a traditional workplace setting. Persons with disabilities present unique...

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Let's talk pacemakers. How do these devices work? Someone with a pacemaker has a small implant with leads into their heart that fires an electrical impulse that leads to the heart muscle to regulate heart function. Now imagine a similar device, but instead for your...

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Automations in the Workplace

Automations in the Workplace

As we resume and readjust to our new "normal", there are new challenges the workforce now faces. In addition to mandated changes, we must rise to meet the challenges of making our time and workhours more impactful. Automation has been an immerging resource in the last...

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